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ABOUT Joel Lavenson

Helping You Find Your Way

Joel Lavenson, is Caring, Competent and Effective, has over 20 years of experience and training, is a Board Certified PTSD Clinician and is licensed in both Maine and Connecticut
Ima Tellin U. University of Higher Yearning
by American Psychotherapy Assocaition
Board Certified PTSD Clinician
Board Certified Professional Counselor
A true master of many therapies, Joel specializes in Compassionate and Strong counseling for anxiety, PTSD, depression, couples power struggles & alienation, Veterans Family issues, career and business issues, and more.
He is, in addition to being the President of the Maine Counseling Association Specialists in Group Work, the self-appointed
President and Chancellor of Ima Tellin U.

Joel has a unique approach to dealing with even the most serious of challenges in an upbeat and optimistic, yet highly effective approach.

With offices in Darien, Connectdicut, and in Maine in: Belgrade, Brunswick and Lewiston and Online Video Counseling in Maine and Connecticut, Joel Lavenson, MA, NCC, LPC, LCPC, BCPC, BC PTSD Clinician and Board Certified Professional Counselor, author of Imago - Between Parent and Child , The Family PTSD, The Worried Warrior, The Cortisol Addiction and DOGS - Got Your 6, lives in Belgrade, Maine.  He is licensed in Maine and Connecticut. Joel has helped, inspired, guided and lead over 4,000 families, couples and individuals in the last 29 years, in private practice as a marriage & family expert and highly experienced in trauma and PTSD.

Serving Maine, Connecticut and in particular Belgrade, Brunswick, Lewiston, Waterville, Augusta,  Portland Maine. Joel's passion and experience encompasses varied groups; Couples, Police, Veterans, Groups and Persons in LifeTransition to name a few. Presently Joel serves as the President of The Maine Counseling Association Specialists in Group Work. He is the creator of Support Teams as group therapy with inidividuals being a committed team to help each other and their team as a unit.  See right - Joel is featured at Barnes & Noble for workshops on emotional fitness 
Joel and his wife are devoted to each other, their 2 young daughters, and Joel's son, who now has two beautiful children of his own. Joel has written articles on his own book on Micro-Psychology, The Cortisol Addiction, self esteem, positive attitude, and transitioning and has taught at various colleges and universities throughout his career. He is also a Dynamic Basketball Coach.
After getting out of the US Army, Joel invented and developed a unique Video Sports Analysis technique and worked for the Cetlics, Patriots, NE Teamen, Boston University and the Junior Olympic Development Program in helping athletes prepare mentally and to focus on a high level of improvement. He brought those Sports Psychology KIDS techniques to bring his Junior Golf and Tennis Academy to be named BEST in America by Sports Illustrated KIDS. He is also a Dynamic Basketball and Soccer Coach with two championships in both sports.
All in all, Joel is passionate about helping you "Find Your Way" with an array of effective techniques, and custom designed approaches that he has perfected over his vast experiences, from his eclectic trainings and years of practicing his craft.
         how we got here

Ahhh, life with all its wonderful mysteries and challenges can be explained when told through this simple and sweet story of how we adapt and adopt our lives to cope with all that Life delivers to us,

in our pats . . .


VETERAN SERVICES            how to come home

EMDR is clinically proven to be superior in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to many other commonly used treatments 

Up to 77% of Vietnam veterans after receiving the suggested 12 session minimum treatment using EMDR no longer suffered from PTSD.

      getting the love you want

What is Imago Relationship Therapy?
It is simple but powerful approach based on the theories developed by Dr's. Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt and chronicled in their Best Selling Books:
Getting The Love You Want; Keeping The Love You Find; Receiving Love 

and many more.


In her new book, Live Your Best Life, Oprah Winfrey devotes her "Marriage Repair Kit" chapter to explaining the benefits of the Imago Relationship Therapeutic fundamentals; "A conscious, honest relationship can restore your sense of aliveness and wholeness, and set you on the path of real love."

  help for those who help 

Empathizing, listening and taking on the responsibility of helping others can often times be overwhelming.  I provide the place for those of you having chosen this challenge to create the healthy balanced life which you provide your clients. 

"I look forward to helping you find your way, which is not only my profession but my passion!"

Joel Lavenson, MA, NCC, LPC, LCPC, BCPC

Board Certified Professional Counselor

Joel Lavenson

MA, NCC, LPC, LCPC, BCPC, Board Certified  PTSD Clinician               

      109 Sahagian Road, Belgrade, Maine 04917​

  • 10 Pond Road, Westport, Connecticut 06880

                     PH: 207-689-8004


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